Try Our Globally recognized Tradingview Indicators Before You Buy
Let Rocketalgo help you with
Stocks, Forex, Crypto, Options and Index trading
Rocketlgo's Achievements
Introducing RocketAlgo
We have developed a revolutionary algorithm which after integrating with tradingview helps you in taking smart decisions based on 28 different types of logics. Now you don’t need to worry about wasting your time in technical analysis. Rocketalgo will do the analysis for you and setup is done within 3 minutes.
Try Rocketalgo today and join the innovative journey of accurate stock, forex, crypto and index buy and sell prediction using data mining.

What you will get?
How Algo works?
Rocketalgo full setup consists of …
Our setup consists of the most renowned and highly accurate trading indicator analysis to provide the highest possible accuracy. There are three different strategies algo setup uses to get most accurate results possible:-- Rocketalgo buy sell indicators
- Rocketalgo Direction Estimator
- Rocketalgo Robots
Join RocketAlgo Family Today

- You will only need a free basic Tradingview account.
- Share your details and Tradingview username with us.
- Your Setup will be ready within 3 minutes.

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Our Founder
Aditya Gupta
Aditya started his journey into data world with his engineering background 8 years ago. He decided to go for higher studies in United states in 2016 and then started focusing on data mining, machine learning and data engineering.During his higher studies, he founded biggest student organization on Campus in University of Texas at Dallas, USA which focused on innovation and entrepreneurship.
“ We are excited that you decided to be part of rocketalgo family and giving us an opportunity to serve you. Rocketalgo has always believed in power of innovation and we promise you that we will keep innovating something great to serve you better.”
Aditya Gupta, Founder & Director,
Rocketalgo Analytics Private Limited